Today I visited the Newt in Somerset, an extensive garden with many different areas and styles. The large collection of apple trees in the Parabola were just beginning to come into blossom, whilst the vibrant green leaves of Beech and Acer trees were accentuated by the spring sunshine.

The newly opened Four Seasons Garden was particularly interesting, with delightful winding paths made from pinecones, leading to a Newt-shaped pond with Koi Carp and Ducklings. Then there was a sculpture of Peter Pan, Wildflower corridors and a section of beautifully shaped Yew topiary. A long tunnel of Wisteria and Laburnum promises a spectacle later in the year.

The Japanese Garden was also looking great with beautifully cloud pruned evergreen trees both large and small offset against a background of warm sandy coloured stone. Brilliant inspiration for those wanting ideas for slopey awkward gardens. Well worth a visit if you know somebody with membership, or free to enter on tuesdays for those who are RHS members.
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